If there’s any urgently important information that Wax Jackets Cleaned needs to inform people of, this is the area that you’ll find it!

February – 2025
January – 2025
Due to being able to secure lower energy prices when compared to the previous year, we are able to offer the same pricing structure for 2025!
So, we are in 2025 but you pay 2024 prices!
Upcoming competition coming soon! Keep an eye out here for details on how to enter and what we require for you to be eligible for entry!
2024 – Archived
26 / 03 / 2024 – Turnaround Time Updates Revision
From April 1st, our typical turnaround time of 3 – 6 weeks for cleaning, re-waxing and repairs will return! Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time period.
23 / 01 / 2024 – Turnaround Time Updates
Due to the amount of jackets to be cleaned and re-waxed, or cleaned, re-waxed and repaired, this small update will inform people of current turnaround times.
If your jacket requires only a clean and re-wax, our turnaround time for this is 2 – 4 weeks.
If your jacket requires repairs, alongside a clean and re-wax, our turnaround time for this is between 4 – 8 weeks at a minimum.
If you wanted to send your jacket in for service but the previously mentioned timeframe puts you off, it would still be better to send your jacket sooner rather than later.
21 / 04 / 2023 – WhatsApp Integration
As of the 21st of April, 2023, you can now contact Wax Jackets Cleaned via WhatsApp! Simply click the WhatsApp icon at the bottom right of the page.
Using this feature allows for more brisk communication between ourselves and you, with the added benefit of being able to easily share images of your jacket/s, care labels and anything else you deem important! While images of repairs can be sent, these cannot really be quoted as the images may not reflect the amount of work a repair will need. We physically need the jacket with us to discuss this.
It also makes our website more accessible for those without access to certain pieces of tech, like a desktop computer or printer, as you can edit the file on your phone and then forward it to us via WhatsApp. Or, screenshot the image and send it like that.
Now, you can just send a message to us like you would your friends or family!
Please note that this feature has been introduced with messaging in mind. If you need to talk to us directly, we request that you use the landline number provided at the bottom of the page.
As you may have seen on our Wax Jackets Cleaned business profile on WhatsApp, we have a catalogue which showcases some (but not all of, this is being worked on) the services we offer. In terms of the price which you see there, this is only to be seen as a guideline / estimate. This is not the final / absolute value of your order / jacket work. With this in mind, the pricing structure on this website will always supersede the pricing seen on WhatsApp, or anywhere else for that matter.